Sunday, October 26, 2008

5 Things You Need Know About AEPSi

Are you an AEPSi subscriber?

Do you want to know what's NEW in AEPSi?

Click on the link below to listen to a short webcast and learn about the new features.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How do you know if the AEPS is a "good" assessment?

People ask all the time, "Which is the best assessment?"

Well...probably the best answer is to say "Which one is being used for its intended purpose and meeds recommended practice standards?

To that end, we are trying to get folks (AEPS users and others) to take 10 minutes to rate various EC assessment measures.

If you can, please take a minute and visit our online survey for more details. Your rating of common EC assessment measures will help all of us have an objective source to answer the question...which is best...or rather...which meets standards?

Please take a minute and complete the survey on 1 or more EC assessment measures. Invite your friends to participate as well.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

How do I score goals?

Many people ask how to accurately score a goal on the AEPS Test. The question stems from trying to understand whether or not the associated objectives dictate the goal score, influence, or are any way related.

The answer is rather simple and complex at the same time; however, there are a few guidelines/"rules" to help you score accurately. Click on the following URL for a brief videocast (5 minutes) regarding how to score AEPS goals. You will need a headset or computer speakers.

Keep in mind that the higher the stakes and the less authentic the assessment process, the more conservative teams should be in making scoring decisions. Further, Remember the following about 2's, 1's, and 0's.

•Consistently performs as specified in the criterion •Performs the item independently •Behavior is a functional part of the child’s daily routine •Child uses the skill across time, materials, settings, and people
•Performs the skill inconsistently as specified in the criterion •Performs the item with assistance •Performs only parts of the stated criterion (i.e., the skill is emerging) •Performs the item under specific situations or conditions

•Does not yet perform the item as specified in the criterion even with repeated opportunities or assistance or when modification are made •Child was not observed performing the item because it is not expected based upon knowledge of development

Thursday, October 9, 2008

AEPSi Customized CODRF

AEPSi subscribers have the option of customizing a CODRF (Child Observation Data Recording Form). You have several options of what to include in your customized report:
Choose an Area (fine motor, gross motor, adaptive, cognitive, social communication, social)
Scores: you may select goals and/ or objectives that had a score of 0, 1, and/or 2
Notes: you may select goals and/or objectives for example that had an associated note of A for Assistance.
IFSP/IEP: you may select goals and/or objectives that had the IFSP/IEP box checked

Customizing a CODRF can be helpful for monitoring progress on specific goals and/or objectives. Completing the AEPS several times a year may not be enough progress monitoring to inform and guide your instruction for some children in some areas. For example, you have a child who struggles with emergent literacy, therefore, you are gearing your instruction to target these particular items with more intensity, more practice etc.

You have options for customizing a CODRF

Option 1: When scoring the AEPS check the IFSP/IEP box to reflect the emergent literacy skills you are targeting for example in Fine Motor it may be Strand B, G. 1 Obj. 1.1 and Goal 2 . In the Cognitive Area it may be Strand C. Obj. 3.1 and Strand H. G. 1, G. 2 and Obj. 3.1. Now that you have checked these boxes you can generate a CODRF that only list these goals and objectives in Fine Motor and Cognitive.

Option 2: Using the same goals and objectives above which are all scored a 1, you generate a Fine Motor and Cognitive CODRF that only lists goals and objectives that have a score of 1. The CODRF's will include the items listed above and every other goal and/or objective you scored a 1on in that area.

Note: If you print the customized CODRF's you can key the items you are collecting more frequent data on by highlighting the goal/and or objective to discriminate from all items listed on the CODRF.

Assessment Activities

Assessment Activities can be a very efficient and appropriate way to observe children during play or daily routines. If you are an AEPSi subscriber, you may wish to select one or a group of children to participate in "Group Assessments". You have an option of completing the entire AEPS assessment using assessment activities or you may choose to only complete a few. If you only complete a few assessment activities and wish to assess and score the remainder of the CODRF's in another manner, simply delete the group. By deleting the group, the computer will automatically transfer the scores from the assessment activities to the respective CODRF's. This will enable you to score the remaining goals and objectives directly on the CODRF.